Thursday, September 20, 2007

smell of green apple

nutrition facts on green apple
1. 36 calories
2. high vitamin C

i always like the smell of green apple. and coffee! sabun basuh pinggan bau green apple, floor detergent green apple, softener baju je tak :) kalau la perfume kete ade bau ni, mesti beli gak. dulu2 ade jugak cari perfume bau green apple. tp tak jumpa. tp aromatherapy oil ada. wangi gila!! satu rumah bau.. coffee pon satu rumah bau. mcm kat coffee bean terasa hehe.
but actually, i tak suka makan green apple sbb keras. i prefer fuji apple lembut. tp kalau green apple makan ngan garam yumyummm jugakk.. dus.. puasa asik ckp pasal makan jer!

:: al fatihah to adik nurin

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dkny pong apple gak kan.. tapi bau dia camne ye?